Sponsors, Godfathers and Cooperators

Besides the performances of the artitst, which will be without any doubt very attractive, for such a meeting we also need to take care of the financial aspects, the number of active artists depends mainly on how many Sponsors we can find. You can help us!

We are still searching for some Sponsors for the individual artists. For further information, telephone or e-mail. Please Contact us.








Dorotheenhütte Wolfach - Coordination and organisation

Woodpecker Holzkunst - artistic direction

Woodpeckershop - Organisation Chainsaw event

Page-On Homepagedesign - Website building and maintenance

Cabin ocupants of the Dorotheenhütte - Catering on both festivaldays

Dik van Oers & Dick Tilley - Translation of the website

Thanks a lot to all Sponsors, Godfathers and tireless assistants.
Without you all this event shouldn't be possible!